Holy Family School was established in 1949 by the Marianites of Holy Cross under the direction of the pastor of Holy Family Church. The school is a vital and integral ministry of Holy Family Parish while also serving the needs of families and students in our surrounding communities.
All diocesan Catholic schools are governed by the Diocese of Baton Rouge Superintendent of Schools and is operated in strict accordance with the Diocesan Catholic School’s Administrative Manual’s policies and procedures.
Our curriculum is approved by the state of Louisiana and the Diocese of Baton Rouge and exceeds the requirements set forth by the Louisiana Department of Education. Holy Family School is accredited by the Louisiana State Department of Education and AdvancEd (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools).
In addition to Reading, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math, Religion is taught daily. The curriculum is enriched with classes of computer, music, physical education, art, and library.
Our philosophy of education here at Holy Family School is to help each child fully develop his/her potential in a safe, caring Christ-centered environment and readiness for success in high school, college and careers.
We encourage all staff and students to treat everyone with dignity and respect and model the gospel values of compassion, caring, concern for others, respect and service.
For more information or to set up an appointment to tour the school, call our office at (225) 344-4100 or fill out our contact form.